Online shoppers earn loyalty points, which are points with a reward system, with this Opencart loyalty points extension. An online retailer awards reward points to customers who satisfy a requirement. The Opencart reward points plugin has a number of requirements, such a particular product, a minimum cart value, a category, etc. Consumers subtract a predetermined amount from the price of their basket using the discounts they receive from accumulating points. Online customers reduce their transaction’s overall cost by making use of the capability of the Opencart gift points module.
A loyalty points program is necessary for encouraging customers to continue doing business with the company. To earn loyalty points, customers use the Opencart reward point module. The shop’s administrator uses the point-awarding strategy to persuade customers to buy more items from the store. This encourages people to go to the online store more often as a result. The Opencart loyalty points expansion also results in more purchases, which raises the online business’s revenue.
Important Features of Reward Point Extension:
- Activate or deactivate the module: Using the admin panel’s capabilities, the store owner enables or disables this module. After disabling this Opencart gift points module won’t be shown on the front end.
- Point conversion feature: The store owner utilizes the properties of this module to convert loyalty points in a certain method. This loyalty point plugin for Opencart allows you to define various conversion rates for various currencies.
- Lowest cart value: The customer receives points after making a specified purchase or reaching a minimum cart value. The admin selects this value using module’s feature.
- Order status: Admin uses this Opencart reward points plugin to decide and include whether the customer has award points.
- Feature of email: Several emails are sent out when awarding, deducting, and redeeming loyalty points. Email functionality. The store owner alters these emails in a variety of languages using the Opencart loyalty points extension tools.
- Points Progression: Using this module, the administrator designs a variety of gift point progressions in a variety of languages.
- Rules creation: In accordance with the definition of each rule, the administrator produces as many loyalty point rules as are necessary. The development of rules depends on the customer’s cart, purchases, or behavior when using the Opencart gift points module.
Setting up rules: Using the Opencart reward points plugin, the store owner defines a number of criteria for rule setup. The store admin has set requirements for Title, Description, Loyalty Points, Start Date, End Date, and Rule Validity Fields.
Rule administration: The admin edits, enables, disables, or removes the current rules using the Opencart loyalty points extension.
History of loyalty points:
Using the Opencart reward points module, the retailer views the entire history of their loyalty discount points.
- Loyalty point balance: With the aid of this plugin, the store administrator quickly reviews the specifics of the loyalty points certain customers have. A list of identified clients and their point information are available from the Opencart gift points plugin.
- Easy user interface: Utilizing the UI for the module admin settings makes it simple to activate or stop the reward points system.
- Offering multiple languages: The Opencart loyalty points extension supports multiple languages.
What advantages this Extension has for you:
- The administrator adds a deadline to this extension to give users a sense of urgency.
- Using this Opencart gift point extension, the store owner delivers letters to customers when they receive loyalty points.
- By modifying the email template using the Opencart loyalty point module’s admin addresses many scenarios.
- The owner of the business keeps track of each loyalty point’s status, expiration date, and amount from the backend.
- This Opencart reward point plugin enables the store owner to add loyalty points in bulk through CSV.
- By giving loyalty points for various orders and signing up for the Opencart gift points extension, the admin boosts client retention.
Please send an email to [email protected] with any inquiries or any modifications you’d like to make to this module. If you want us to customize it to meet your company’ needs, please get in touch with us